Friday, June 4, 2010

Human Resources vs. "UN" Human Resources

The momentary insensitivity of an HR professional can set in motion a disastrous and a potentially harmful chain of events for any business today. Taking a closer look at what can happen when employees seek advice from their employer’s HR department and instead are treated as if they are a nuisance, can reveal that some “Un” human resource professionals have managed to settle in positions for which they have no calling. The reality of what we see in the news these days concerning workplace violence and vengeance can lead one to wonder if the HR representatives are abiding by the core values and professional HR code of ethics that can strategically minimize some of the employer tragic stories.

Many companies of all sizes have HR departments comprised of ordinary people who serve in many different roles for the benefit of the organization’s growth and stability. The many facets of HR have become difficult for people to understand when it comes to functions and responsibilities. Some see all HR people as recruiters, some as administrators, and yet some as strategic business partners and legal consultants available to help companies stay out of the court room. The variations are customizable to the organizational structure and strategic measures. Nonetheless, people view HR as the one-stop shop for employment issues, concerns, investigations, etc. The bottom line is more and more people look to HR for advice and counsel. So, along with the responsibility to counsel the employer, the HR professionals need to maintain the “human” approach when dealing with employee concerns, complaints, and any other issues that may come their way. Showing the employee genuine care and concern should never be asking for too much.
In these days, it is the best approach from a “best practices” standpoint.

Ann Bogardus, states in her PHR/SPHR Study Guide book that by the middle of the twentieth century, the personnel function was part of almost every business and thus in 1948 the personnel practitioners developed into a profession. Today, this profession is called Human Resource Profession and plays key roles from administration to strategic partnerships. Hence, it behooves businesses to take a closer look at their HR departments to assess if their “un” human resources representatives can be either properly trained and coached to serve in their respective roles or replaced by professional “Human” Resources teams that can provide all aspects of HR while maintaining the “human” touch necessary for the overall stability and safety of their organizations.

In consideration of how all the pieces of the Human Resources fit together in the realm of business and organizational growth, it becomes increasingly important to examine, assess, and determine the best solutions at least on an annually. A coherent argument on the benefits of in-house vs. outsourcing of the HR department can draw interesting conclusions. One sided views without proper quantifications is a dangerous precedent and quantification without the “human” element will produce skewed and inconclusive results.

Taking a serious look from both angles will allow organizations to view and decide on the best possible solutions that can improve their bottom line. Understanding the importance of balancing the HR functions in conjunction with the core values and strategic company goals can make all the difference in the world. Start your journey today by reaching out the HR professionals that can offer your organization the tools needed for compliance with a winning edge on the real “Human” Resources approach.

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