Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do You Ever Find Yourself Struggling for Something in Life?

Do you ever find yourself struggling for something in life? In spite of all the answers, solutions, and alternatives at our surroundings, we tend to go looking beyond and going in circles in areas of our lives that could very well be in order by now. What does it take? Do we need a silent revelation or a thunderous voice to direct our every move? Where does it end?

Today I had prepared an after-church one person dinner (no one invited me to share) which included a T-bone steak with fries and mushrooms. It was delicious but just a tad over cooked since I really like medium rare. The interesting thing to me was that I found myself going for the T-BONE again as in the past and digging deep to scrape the meat off the bone! It was like I had no meat left. Then, I realized I had cut the meat off the bone, set it aside and went full force on the “struggle” for the meat on the bone! What a bone head, I thought. But, then it hit me. I do the same when it comes to other things.

For one, I don’t like seedless pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. It’s so much more pleasurable for me to crack them and eat them one a time. I also prefer not knowing the answer to everything mystery and enjoy the surprises. I don’t like to know what my Christmas gifts are and especially do not like when others try to figure out what I wrapped for them until they open it!

There is a mystery in life that I enjoy to some degree that may be a characteristic fiber I haven’t figured out yet. It was much more enjoyable for me to be surprised in movie outcomes than to hear those around me say what they think is going to happen (by the way, I hate that!). I have found myself getting lost on the road driving and expecting to find my way without asking or even “knowing where the heck I’m going”…is that crazy or what? Wait a minute, I have always found my way though.

If I can speak for myself, there tends to be an inner fiber of mystery and challenge woven within my being that at times cries out for help from somebody, anybody. There have been many times when I looked at others and thought or felt inadequate or insignificant next to their so called “big names, titles, or degrees” until I noticed all their own weaknesses and ugly characteristics. No need for me to feel superior, but thank God I am me and not them. I realized that people are people and no matter what, we are all alike to some degree. Much of the people I thought I should admire turned out to be people I have learned a lot of what I do not want to be like. On the other hand, there are many I admire and would love to get to know better.

There are people who remind me of the “meat” I cut off my T-Bone and set aside to struggle and scrape off the bone. People who show their kindness and genuine spirit without putting that fake front to appear bigger and better. Those are the ones who make me want to look deeper in my soul and find the person who was created for greatness. In spite of the struggles imposed or otherwise, help me define the stages of forgiveness for past hurts and disappointments and focus on what I have to give to others. I applaud the winners in my life for showing me to be bigger than vengeance and greater than unforgiveness. I constantly search to find same minded individuals who drive me to greatness.

The struggles only have the power we give them. If we find a way to the answers through struggle than it’s perfectly fine. The key is to not get stifled in the same routine year after year looking for life solutions that lie within our own hearts. A struggle is only a mechanism of survival and utilizing it to the best our abilities can open the impossible doors of success and victory. However, today I put down the bone and cherish my victory of every imposed obstacle.I release and forgive everyone who has ever done me wrong and claim my ticket to the impossible and triumphant voyage. Let our struggles be only for the purification of our souls and the cleansing our inner gratifications. Let go; be happy and struggle no more!

Edwin Martinez, PHR, LMBT

Friday, January 21, 2011

Let the Still Moment Live - Happiness Does Not Come in a Box

Let the Still Moment Live – Happiness Does not Come in a Box
By Edwin Martinez, PHR

Sometimes when we are still for a brief moment, time seems to stop and everything around us might strike us as empty and meaningless. We stare into thin air and simply allow the moment to exist without interruption until forced to shake it off and let time tick tock again as reality sinks in. That strange phenomenon that’s exists between our ears forces us to take notice from time to time and evaluate our very existence. What happens when we realize that life is far more than our surroundings? What is it that tugs at the guts and screams a silent voice of acknowledgement?

The greatest minds of the ages took the time to listen to an inner voice and made the choice to follow it. Those choices lead to the fulfillment of their destinies and have left imprints on our society that will carry on for generations to come. Still moments of reflection from time to time can help steer our life paths in ways we destined but not quite yet connected.

When I was a child around the age of five or so, I found a clear square box approximately 3x5 with a lid that opened and shut so perfectly. I don’t know who it belonged to but I remember thinking that if I owned that little box, I would be very happy. I don’t remember what happened to that box and or why I felt that way about it but, for some odd reason, that clear box always remained in my subconscious mind even throughout my adult years. Perhaps it represented some of my character traits or maybe even some of the things I am drawn to in my vocations.

Recently, I found another clear box causing me to recollect my memories about that box. I put it in my home office even though I didn’t know what I was going to do with it. All I know is that it brought me back to my childhood thinking that boxes like that can bring happiness. Perhaps it represented something greater than I could understand, but I am still not certain.

A few days ago, I came across that box while organizing my office. I looked at it and struggled whether to keep the box or discard it. My dear wife was in tune with my feelings and helped me detach from it as a representation of letting go. I didn’t have an out-of- this- world revelation as to what the box meant but I know that in releasing that “meaningless” box, I felt a sort of empowerment that is not so easy to put into words. Along with this personal experience, I am entering into a realm of detachment in other areas of life, which may help to experience even greater happiness than ever before.

Sometimes, life can get so cluttered with so many different views, likes and dislikes, judgments, expectations, disappointments, sorrows, false hopes, belief systems, and so on, that we cannot see the beauty of a simplified life of happiness, gratitude, and contentment. It appears that true happiness will come with the next best gift, promotion, job, truck, partner, etc. Only to find ourselves back in the still moments where reality nudges once again as we say “wait a minute…where am I? what did I do?; is this it?,”

Make today the day to have a still moment that brings you in a new direction and resist clinging to obstacles and impediments that have kept you bound to repeat another meaningless cycle.Taking advantage of the brief moments to ponder on our path for life before we transition into eternity may not be such a bad idea. Coming to a point of detachment to the things and illusions that trick one into believing that happiness is tied to the perishables of life can open the door to greater possibilities of expressing our life in this world. Let the still moment live.